jueves, 21 de febrero de 2019

Science week


"FIESTA CIENTIFICA" was the name of our Cultural week ´19, it has been a great week, with a lot of activities with several interesting aspects for our kids; such as...

"Science Fair"

During the whole week our mates from Primary Ed. have performed their experiments!
Awesome experiments!!

Each level was divided into 5 groups, 5 Scientist:

1. Marie Curie
2. Ramón y Cajal
3. Gabriela Monreale
4. Dmitri Mendeléyev
5. Elena García Armada

It was great to see how all the students from Primary Education cared about the littlest ones, they were really motivated and proud of their experiment´s projects.

La semana cultural de este año ha tratado sobre la ciencia, "FIESTA CIENTÍFICA", ha sido muy interesante por varios motivos entre ellos, el acercamiento a la ciencia, la motivación por adquirir nuevos conocimientos. Hemos aprendido un montón de nuestr@s compañer@s de Primaria con sus Super Experimentos!! 
Esta fue la decoración de la Science Fair, la visitamos cada día de la semana para ver a nuestros compañeros de Primaria exponer:

"Infants Science Fair"

We prepared a lot of experiments in class;

And our own Science Fair,

Every class performed their experiments, being both, speakers and assistants, dividing them into A´s and B´s groups.  

Infants 1:

Infants 2:


Infants 3:


An exposition of our experiments can be found in our School halls!

We also enjoyed "Science worshops" from our families, there is an special post in the blog for them!

Escape Room, exposition of Women in the Science with QR Code!, are some of the activities that took place along the Cultural week.

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Hey brother! What’s going down?

Hey brother! What’s gomitas down? To say goodbye to this year, we have have prepared this video about jobs. We hope  you enjoy it!!! ...