jueves, 28 de febrero de 2019

Infants Year 4 - Coloured Carnation

Along the Science Fair we have been developing as "SEMANA CULTURAL" in CEIP Tenerías from February the 11th to the 15th because of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science.

Infants Year 4  has checked what happens to a carnation which drinks coloured water.

First of all we smelt the carnation to check if it was alive and what we feel with its smell.


Later on we mix the water with the colouring food ink and we stir everything up before we put the carnation in contact with the coloured water.



Once the materials were prepared to check the initial hypothesis we only had to wait some hours or day to see if the carnation could change its white colour to red, blue or green.

We went home and the only thing we had to do was waiting to have a look of our carnations the following days.

Something has happened, but only blue carnation has started to appear.


Infants Year 3 and 5 came to our class in order to see our experiment and how the three carnations changed their colour in the following days after the initial hypothesis.


A lo largo de la Semana Cultural del CEIP Tenerías que tuvo lugar desde el lunes 11 al viernes 15 de febrero con motivo del Día Internacional de la Mujer y Niña Científica.

Los alumnos de 4 años han comprobado que le ocurre a los claveles que beben agua tintada.

Empezamos oliendo los claveles para comprobar que estaban vivos y a qué olían.

Posteriormente mezclamos el agua con tinte alimenticio antes de poner los claveles dentro del bote para posteriormente dejar actuar a la naturaleza y comprobar horas y días más tarde si la hipótesis inicial se volvía cierta.

Al día siguiente solo el clavel que estaba en el bote de agua azul había teñido sus pétalos.

Las demás clases de Infantil fueron pasando por nuestra clase, ver nuestro experimento y comprobar que los pétalos de los claveles habían cambiado de color comprobando la hipótesis inicial.

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Hey brother! What’s going down?

Hey brother! What’s gomitas down? To say goodbye to this year, we have have prepared this video about jobs. We hope  you enjoy it!!! ...