viernes, 21 de diciembre de 2018

Best wishes from 5años B

¡Desde la clase de 5años B os deseamos felices fiestas!

The class of Third year of Infant Education B wish you Merry Christmas and happy new year!

¡Ya está aquí nuestro vídeo de deseos!
Esperamos que disfrutéis de él.

Merry Christmas y feliz año nuevo!! 5 años A

Aquí os dejamos los videos de 5 años A, que hemos preparado con mucha ilusión!!!

Desde el cole Tenerias os deseamos felices fiestas!!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

miércoles, 19 de diciembre de 2018

Singing AUtumn leaves are falling

Antes de terminar el trimestre y aunque ya estamos canturreando villancicos, quería compartir con vosotr@s nuestra versión de “Autumn leaves are falling”.
Nos lo hemos pasado de maravilla cantando esta y muchas otras canciones!

martes, 18 de diciembre de 2018

Brown bear!

Throughout the whole term, Brown Bear and all the animals of this story have been in our class, playing games, singing Rhymes, getting familiar with the colors and animals… 

Here you can find the link of Brown Bear to watch it at home, nevertheless soon you will have their "booklet" of Brown bear and they will tell you the story.

viernes, 14 de diciembre de 2018

What do I eat??

We have learnt a lot of things about DINOSAURS, and we have prepared some "booklets" about what dinosaurs ate, the most amazing thing is that we are capable of reading in English, and we are very proud of it.

Read it at home! you´ll learn a lot...

miércoles, 12 de diciembre de 2018

Crazy Dinosaur balloons



Crazy Dinosaur balloons

You can do it at home:

What you'll need

  • Plastic bottle
  • Balloon
  • 2 funnels
  • Baking soda
  • Vinegar

What you'll do

  1. Using a funnel, fill the bottle 1/3 full with vinegar.
  2. Using the second funnel, fill the balloon 1/2 full with baking soda.
  3. Carefully cover the top of the bottle with the balloon, not letting the baking soda spill.
  4. When you're ready, lift the balloon and let the baking soda fall into the vinegar.
  5. Look closely, and you can see the mixture fizz, bubble and expand the balloon.
  6. You'll need a new balloon and will need to wash out the bottle to repeat this experiment.
SMART SCIENCE TIP^The chemical reaction between baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and vinegar (acetic acid) produces carbon dioxide gas. Gases need room to spread, so the carbon dioxide fills the bottle and then moves into the balloon and inflates it.

martes, 11 de diciembre de 2018

Titiriteros de Binéfar

Hoy hemos salido al teatro del mercado para disfrutar del maravilloso espectáculo  de los Titiriteros de Binéfar, “Antón Retaco", la magia de las marionetas , de los decorados, de los diferentes instrumentos nos ha fascinado.

Autumn leaves

“Autumn leaves are falling”

We’ve been singing this song for weeks...

Here you have the link from “YouTube”, although we have our own version.

miércoles, 5 de diciembre de 2018


Finally we have a blog to share all the adventures that take place in our school!!

Hemos querido abrir una pequeña ventana a nuestras aulas, ya que en numerosas ocasiones a través del papel no se reflejan muchas de las actividades que llevamos a cabo, además sabemos que muchos de los peques no cuentan demasiado en casa. Mediante el blog podréis ver con ell@s un poquito de lo que pasa en el cole, a ell@s les divertirá, aprovecharemos para recordar la actividad y toda la family podrá repasar un poquito de inglés 😉

Como podéis observar ya hay alguna entrada de actividades, así que.... YA TENÉIS ENTRETENIMIENTO PARA EL PUENTE!!!

Feliz puente and we really hope you enjoy this blog!

Dinosaur skeleton!

Dinosaur Skeleton

As we needed toilet paper rolls, we have been collecting them for some weeks.

Then, we colored them in white.

And with the help of a picture and working together we made a giant dinosaur out of toilet paper rolls.

They did a great job! They worked together, learned about parts of the body and made a really cool project that they are really proud of!

lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2018

Dinosaur Footprint!

How long was a dinosaur footprint?
How many children´s footsteps would it take to measure the length of a dinosaur track?

Here is a life size Dinosaur footprint that we measured and filled with our shoes and with ourselves. 

  • First, we measured the size of our T-Rex foot. A T Rex footprint was about 1 meter long and 46 cm wide. We measured the footprint with a measuring tape and we also checked how many children's footsteps length it was. It measured approximately 10 children's footsteps. 
  • We measured our feet and how many shoes could fit from heel to toe inside the dinosaur footprint.


Fruits in Autumn

Frutos de otoño

Frutos secos y frutos carnosos                          Nuts and fleshy fruits

¡Qué buena tarde hemos pasado saboreando los frutos del otoño!

Hemos diferenciado entre frutos secos y frutos carnosos y hemos degustado algunas frutas que no conocíamos como la chirimoya, el kaki o la granada.

We touched and smelt the fruits, 

Are they hard or soft?

What color are they inside?

Hey brother! What’s going down?

Hey brother! What’s gomitas down? To say goodbye to this year, we have have prepared this video about jobs. We hope  you enjoy it!!! ...